Marcel Sommer

Born 1996

a black and white photo of a man in a black shirt

GO!25 Borderless Award powered by Regione FVG

To observe the absence of something, one must first be aware of its presence. For designer Marcel Sommer, the word “borderless” first and foremost refers to unity, something that has to be achieved, as it doesn’t pop out of nowhere. It is a calibration process, bringing balance between separated parts that feel different while ultimately they are the same. Marcel is trying to capture the final stage of a full calibration in this representation of something borderless. His outfit features two layered looks that fully overlap with a semi transparent upper layer. In addition to that, he is also morphing garments, basically re-creating their edges and challenging their identification by the viewer. The goal was to achieve a one-pattern garment to create a sense of unity.

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